Fyfe System Projects and Case Studies

Fyfe®'s Tyfo® FRP systems - Advanced composites for structural strengthening - have been used for the rehabilitation of a range of applications covering many industries. Here you will find details of many of our projects supported by detailed case studies. 

Structural Strengthening of Plinth with FRP at a UK Refinery

CSNRI has been a long-term supplier of pipe repair solutions to a refinery in the south of the UK and has become a trusted partner. During an inspection engineers identified deterioration of an existing structural concrete plinth at the refinery. CSNRI was engaged to design a solution with fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) and perform the installation with a tight schedule.

Larnaca Sewage Treatment Plant Tank Rehabilitation

The Larnaca Sewage and Drainage Board was created in the later 1970s following heavy rainfall which caused destructive floods in the region. The system at the time needed to be upgraded due to the influx of development in the region, and when the flood occurred the town Major took the decision to place a focus on the provision of improved sewage and draining services.

Large Diameter PCCP Rehabilitation

Fibrwrap Construction was selected to perform the rehabilitation work. The scope of work included strengthening nine (10) segments of PCCP, including conducting the required surface preparation, end detailing, fiber installation, finish coat installation and all the required quality control measures. Both the return and supply cooling water lines had segments which required structural strengthening. The access limitations only allowed for man entry and ventilation on each end of a the two 1,200-ft long segments of pipe.

Intermountain Power Plant

Intermountain Power (IMP) has been a user of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) for strengthening of their circulating cooling water systems (CW) for over 10 years.

Nuclear Power Plant Pipe Rehabilitation

The fiber wrap design was standalone throughout the straight pipe segments and designed as a composite section at the bends and at the supports; this allowed for the remaining steel section to provide the stiffness required in resisting thrust forces at those locations. Once the fiber installation was completed, compression rings were applied at the fiber terminations for improved detailing and to prevent shear slipping due to longitudinal forces.

Fibrwrap Helps Strengthen a Las Vegas Power Plant

The scope of work included conducting the internal surface preparation by media blasting and internal installation of the Tyfo® carbon fiber material on 440ft of 36-inch diameter steel pipe and 310 ft of 32-inch diameter steel pipe including numerous eight tees, five 90° elbows, two reducers and one dead head.

Refinery Flare Line Repair

Fyfe/Fibrwrap worked closely with the client to develop a solution that would both satisfy the client’s process safety requirements, and be cost effective to install. Ultimately, a high temperature Tyfo® system was proposed that met the client’s needs and specifications.

SJRA – Lake Houston Pump Station #2 Effluent Pipe Lines Rehabilitation

The scope of work included strengthening segments on each of the three effluent pipe lines, including conducting the required surface preparation, end detailing, fiber installation, finish coat installation and conducting all the required quality control measures. The pipe length of each repaired section was 13, 18 and 27 lineal feet.

Ocean Sciences Tanks Strengthening For New Openings

Fibrwrap Installations reinforced the bottom six-feet of the two tanks with 4 layers of Tyfo SEH-51A System. An additional two-layers (16-inches wide), was then applied around the openings extending 12-inches beyond the opening edges.

Water Tank Strengthening Gear Island WTP

Five layers of Tyfo SEH® 51A was applied in a band around the top of the tank walls to provide confinement and prevent flexing. The Tyfo® was painted with Tyfo® A Acrylic Finish Coat to protect the Fibrwrap from UV and blend the retrofit area to the rest of the tank.