Fyfe TEC talks are available on-demand.

We are keen to ensure we continue to deliver information on the products and services that are of interest to you, as well as our range of case studies. If you have any suggestions of topics you would like us to cover, please contact us to let us know.

To learn what TEC talks we have scheduled, visit the TEC talks page.

Fyfe provides PDH certificates for attendance at LIVE TEC talks only.

TEC Talks On-Demand
Fyfe Tyfo Bridge Strengthening

Structural Testing and Use Cases for Bridge Strengthening with Tyfo Composites

Delivered on June 19, 2024

Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Pipe FRP Applications.

Delivered on May 1, 2024

How to specify both explicit and deferred designs for externally bonded FRP strengthening applications.

Delivered on March 6, 2024

Design, use and unique fiber wrap considerations for waterfront applications.

Delivered on January 31, 2024


Sustainability & Resiliency in Concrete Retrofit: Leveraging Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP).

Delivered on December 12, 2023

Fyfe - Building rehabilitation

Design and Use of Advanced Fiber Wrap Composites for Strengthening of Industrial Facilities

Delivered on August 30, 2023

Fyfe Tyfo structural Strengthening

How to specify externally bonded FRP strengthening

Delivered on June 1, 2023

Field Quality Control measures for TYFO® Composites in Pipe Rehabilitation

Delivered on March 23, 2023